Neel Paliwal, Associate Vice-President, IT, Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System

Information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure has become critical for organisations in the government and utilities sector to achieve operational efficiencies. While technologies like enterprise resource management (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) are central to the ICT strategies of these organisations, there is now a growing interest in leveraging solutions like cloud technology and internet of things (IoT) to optimise operations. Senior IT officials in the government and utilities space talk about the current level of technology adoption in their organisations, emerging technology trends, the challenges faced in implementing technologies and the plans for upgrading their ICT infrastructure….

What are the key telecom and IT solutions deployed by your organisation?

ERP and virtual private network (VPN) connectivity are the key solutions dep­­­loy­ed by us. ERP has helped in streamlining a number of processes and has allowed for quick decision-making. Meanwhile, VPN connectivity has allowed access to critical applications from external networks, thereby reducing the turnaround time for various activities.

What is the current level of adoption of CRM, ERP, enterprise mobility and cloud solutions in your organisation?

We do not have CRM, enterprise mobility or cloud solutions. ERP has been implemented for a few years now. It covers al­most all organisational processes.

What are your views regarding the digital tran­s­­formation of organisations?

Digital transformation is a necessity in today’s times. It helps in improving efficiencies, removing bottlenecks, reducing transaction times and providing customers a quick and reliable interface. Today, we cannot build an organisation without us­ing technology. Without technology, customers would find it difficult to interact and engage with businesses. At the same time, internal operations would be highly inefficient and will eventually result in the decline of the organisation.

What are the key upcoming technology trends?

IoT will gain traction in the coming years.

“Digital transformation is a necessity today. It improves efficiencies, removing bottlenecks, reducing transaction times and providing customers a reliable interface.” Neel Paliwal